Left Glandore at 2:15 PM. Left Union Hall at 4 PM. Arrived in Castletownshend at 6:30 PM. Distance: a handful of miles. Conditions: nice SW breeze that saw us beating all the way (however short it was)
Today started with a big long hike following the road from Glandore; decided to go and investigate a stone circle a few miles away. Didn't take a picture of it - although it was fascinating, couldn't find a nice picture to take. This was the most summery day so far - warm and sunny. A proper August day! The scenery here is incredible - every view, in practically every direction, is more beautiful than the previous. Light green fields, dark green hedges, light blue sky, deep blue sea - quite the palette.

Here is another shot of Glandore Bay on the way back from our hike. Union Hall is the town at the far end of the bay, Glandore is just to the right.

After our long walk, we prepared the boat, and set off for Union Hall. Somehow I though there would be diesel at the quay, but it turned out there was not. Ended up doing a spot of grocery shopping for dinner - one sweet popato, a head of garlic, a salad, the paper...
Every day the news about what the US administration wants to do in Irak seems worse, and somehow the reaction from the rest of the world is slowly getting stronger... It's like watching two large tectonic plates slowly drifting apart (if one could). One day we will wake up to find a very large gap, and wonder how it ever came to be. Now that I think of it some would argue it's been there for a while... Anyhow, that has little to do about sailing...
After Union Hall we set sail, with the thought of going to Baltimore. After about an hour we decided to head for Castletownshend - not for any particular reason other than the fact that we could! Arrived under a nice breeze, anchored opposite the town, and had a mellow evening playing scrabble, reading and eating a yummy dinner (B did all the cooking)
9:56:51 PM