An article in XMLMania asks, "What's your government doing with XML?" Great question. And the answer is "more every day", but not as much as we should be doing.
This is cool:
The U.S. House of Representatives is currently close to drafting all its introduced bills in XML.
The House maintains this XML website that has DTDs, schemas, etc. XML should be the standard format for bills at every level of government. That sure would facilitate what I would like to see happen with bills being made available to users as a wireless service. There may be hope here, since as I mentioned the other day, the state legislature is now doing an RSS news feed. I always viewed RSS as a gentle way to introduce people to XML and its potential for other services. Ken Hansen (Administrative Rules) and Ray Matthews (State Library)are working to put together a legal RSS group in the state that would begin to look at some of these things.
10:37:17 AM