The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Monday, June 23, 2003

Apple had several announcements at their annual developers conference. You can watch the stevenote here.

Most notable were

Panther - the next version of OS X (due out in the next 6 months)

Improvements to the developer tool suite

An A/V version of iChat with a $150 firewire camera.

The release version of their Safari browser

And a seriously interesting Mac - the G5. The version with twin IBM 970s (called G5s here) looks very interesting -- this is a real 64 bit processor and the system architecture is exciting (pdf and ad).

There are several things that may be in the pipeline (G5 laptop and G5 based 1U server come to mind). One suspects they may see the light of day when the announced G5 ships in August.

This is really an interesting start for the 970 based architecture (which should improve very nicely over the next several years - IBM has a very aggressive roadmap).
3:56:57 PM    

A dog of a husband ...

And she could probably do worse.
7:14:53 AM    

Someone asked for a link showing the ownership of radio and television stations in the US.

Mr Powell of the FCC made it difficult to assemble, but the Center for Public Integrity has obtained the information and created a searchable database. They also created the FCC employee travel list (on the same page) by laboriously going through over 2500 forms from the Office of Government Ethics.

The thing to do is find out the position of your representatives and hold their feet to the fire. Here are mine:

  • Senator Frank Lautenberg (D.) Strongly opposes FCC ruling.

  • Senator Jon Corzine (D) Strongly opposes FCC ruling.

  • Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R) His office has not supplied a position (I've tried several times over the last few months)

5:59:47 AM    

More photoblogs.

A few of these are actually interesting. bingwalker cheats and uses film cameras (although many of the shots are consumer polaroids) as well as serious talent.
5:53:03 AM    

Mindjack has an article on Stewart Butterfield's Game Neverending.

I clearly don't have the time or inclination for this sort of stuff and was surprised at the success of Ultima Online and Everquest. It isn't clear to me know successful something more on the MOO-ish side will be, but some of the directions they want to move in are interesting.
5:52:02 AM    

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