David Pogue reviews the new audio/visual instant messaging clients from Apple and Microsoft.
I've spent a few hours with the new Apple iChat AV and note that you really need a fast cable connection for a good video signal. Many DSL links (say below 384kbps) simply won't cut it and dialup links are completely hopeless. I tried it a bit using a camcorder (I don't have the Apple cam) and the image quality was as good as I've seen on desktop video conferencing.
The audio quality seems reasonable, but you probably need a better microphone and speaker assembly than what is built into your machine ... I have a cheap ($25) usb headset on order from Amazon.
Video conferencing has been studied for about five decades and has never taken off for a variety of reasons. It will be interesting to see if video augmented chatting becomes popular.
I have no idea where Microsoft is going with their tool other than the direction of adding features. Apple is telling people this is a fairly early beta. I suspect they will tweak it, but the feature set will remain small and focused. Of course there are some intersections with other Apple software products and .Mac that really make sense here (things that are as interesting or more interesting than vanilla video chat) and I suspect that hasn't been lost on the folks who wrote this.
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