The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Friday, June 27, 2003

The National Donotcall Registry is online today. Registration is simple, but nothing happens for a few months and there are huge loopholes in the law. Still - it is probably better than nothing.
6:07:39 AM    

Have you seen Whichbook?

Of course it is only as good as the input data...
5:49:23 AM    

Which is the healthier food from Dunkin' Donuts - a bagel with cream cheese or a chocolate donut?

If the metric is calories and fat the bagel hass 550 calories and 13.5g of saturated fat while the chocolate frosted donut has 200 calories and 2g of saturated fat.

So have a couple of donuts instead.

Or if you want to deal with the heat (the Northeast is suddenly very warm) my recommendation is

fresh raspberries (about a cup)
a ripe banana
a cup of milk (whole if you are cheating -- heck -- use vanilla ice cream if you want to cheat)
a few tablespoons of sugar - depending on the sweetness of the raspberries


5:49:12 AM    

Apple has posted a talk from the QuickTime session of their developers conference. It is a bit on the high level side, but I recommend it to anyone who worries about audio and video. The discussion of Pixlet (about an hour into the talk) is particularly interesting as is the color management and audio architecture in Panther.
5:49:00 AM    

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