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  Saturday, April 12, 2003

Blogging the FSE

So this morning, I was one of many in the Presidential Ballroom at the Latham Hotel in Georgetown, bleary-eyed and clutching a piece of paper with my name and home address on it. After being checked in, we were packed into the ballroom, with its even spaced banquet tables that were just scant inches wider than a sheet of paper is tall. Made of old plywood, stained with age, scratched from years in service, their metal edges bent and battered, they give you splinters when you draw your hands across them too quickly.

The proctors ran us through the introductions about 30 minutes late, having taken a lot of extra time to check people in. We got handed booklets that made me feel like I was back in a classroom at DHS taking the SATs for the first time. The first section was mostly trivial pursuit style questions, which president gave away the Panama Canal, which amendment guaranteed voting rights, etc. There were a few that I know I botched, but I think I should be okay in the long run.

The second section was an essay. We had our choice of three topics on which we were to expound upon in detail and construct an argument around. The topics were government support of the arts, human rights and their spot in diplomacy, and standards and standardized exams in schools. Naturally, the third one is a slam dunk. My company deals in nothing but education standards and exams. Hell, we help write those exams. So even as a network engineer, I've become so steeped in party line that I was able to write a detailed essay on the needs of schools. Slam dunk.

Sections three and four were bio and english expression, and mostly cake.

We walked out into the warm sunshine shortly after 1:30, feeling victorious, and enjoying the rest of a beautiful day.
10:00:53 PM  comment []   

One Week Later...

So, last week, I wrote about a weak peace protest over at the Clarendon Metro stop. This week, it was a different scene entirely.

A picture named One Week Later.jpg

On the exact same spot as four peace protestors from the week before, were four "support our troops" supporters. We went over and said hi and snapped the picture you see above. What a difference a week makes!
2:26:02 PM  comment []