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  Monday, April 14, 2003

Baker's Dozen.

A picture named Guinness.jpg 1. Hey Mike, is that a Guinness?
2. Singing at Pentagon Row
3. Late night Pizza
4. Oh MAN 8am is early.
5. Sweet, you mean I get to write about standards? Awesome.
6. More Kitchen Porn
7. Kung Pao and Piña Coladas
8. "Wave them around, dammit!"
9. "mmmm Eclair"
10. Sittin' on the porch, grillin', havin' a beer.
11. mmmm clean laundry
12. Man, Sunday night already?

11:05:01 PM  comment []   
An Answer...

Note to self: You are indeed affected by the weather and sunlight conditions to a degree that you would not believe possible. If at all possible, sleep with the windows open, you wake up better.

That note aside, the weather here in Washington is sparkling this morning, it was crisp this morning, but sunny and it looks like we're on our way to 80 by midweek.

Yesterday, I wrote "In the past 20 years, we've rewritten business. In the past 20 years, we've rewritten personal entertainment. In the past 20 years, we've rewritten community. What's next?" and this morning, I'm reading Wired and they've got it: We're going back to the Moon. Months ago, I wrote that companies could screw this up, that organizations like NASA had to be at the forefront, but now I'm wobbling a bit on that premise. I think we may be forced to take the efforts of these companies and let them spread their wings and see what they can offer. I still have my reservations about private corps handling space, so I'm not a complete convert, but if NASA can't get their shit together, there's no reason private companies can't take advantage of cheap Russian launchbeds to send orbiters around the moon.

NASA's got competition now. Perhaps that will force them to resurrect the programs of old and get back on track.
8:52:22 AM  comment []