Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:04:25 AM.


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Thursday, November 11, 2004

AlterNet: "A rundown of the record of Bush's nominee for Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales:
Alberto Gonzales co-drafted a memo with the opinion that laws prohibiting torture do 'not apply to the President's detention and interrogation of enemy combatants'. Further, the memo puts forth the opinion that the pain caused by an interrogation must include 'injury such as death, organ failure, or serious impairment of body functions - in order to constitute torture'.
He also said 'the war against terrorism is a new kind of war' and 'this new paradigm renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions'."
9:49:42 PM    

A picture named Sorry.jpg
Millions of Americans feel sorry for the election results.
A heartfelt thank-you, to all of you. But it's not you who should apologize, it's the morons who voted for the fool.
Anyway, it's nice to hear from you. We supported you and will continue to do so, the heat is on until that fool is gone. I guess it won't even take more than two years to get him out of power.
The answer is in.
11:30:45 AM    

Asia Times: "US public preoccupation with Iraq and terrorism has intensified obsession with the daily news sound bite, at the expense of well-crafted, farsighted strategy. Meanwhile in Asia a rising, brash, confident China is flexing its diplomatic muscle, wooing states around the region."
Asia Times: "A mere two months ago, the news of a China-Kazakhstan pipeline agreement, worth US$3.5 billion, raised some eyebrows in the world press, some hinting that China's economic foreign policy may be on the verge of a new leap forward. A clue to the fact that such anticipation may have totally understated the case was last week's signing of a mega-gas deal between Beijing and Tehran worth $100 billion.
It is perhaps too early to digest fully the various economic, political and even geostrategic implications of this stunning development, widely considered a major blow to the Bush administration's economic sanctions on Iran.
For a United States increasingly pointing at China as the next biggest challenge to its Pax Americana, the Iran-China energy cooperation cannot but be interpreted as an ominous sign of emerging new trends in an area considered vital to US national interests."
If the fool in the White House continues his crusade, you can be sure that the fireworks will engulf the whole world. The US is on the brink of financial and moral collapse.
11:00:35 AM    

"Roughly 25 percent of the provisional ballots in Bernalillo County have been rejected as invalid."
25% invalid ballots is very high and very strange.
"Major media have started to report major problems.
Take action.
10:45:01 AM    

Fighting Satan is a hard job, especially if the Evangelical Forces belong to the sect of Latter-Day Morons. If it weren't so tragical one could laugh at the stupidity of the Bush regime.
Baghdad: "About 20 Iraqi masked insurgents have taken control over a bridge at one of the biggest highways in western Baghdad. A part of the city has been subjected to a blockade, reported Reuters. Witnesses say that there is a shooting in the region."
WashingtonPost: "Insurgents claimed to have captured 20 Iraqi soldiers in Fallujah. A videotape aired on al-Jazeera television and obtained by the Reuters news agency showed a group of men wearing Iraqi National Guard uniforms with their backs to the camera."
What the Americans have captured in Falluja is a pile of bricks. The fighting now starts in an other place.
"US troops are reportedly using chemical weapons and poisonous gas in its large-scale offensive on the Iraqi resistance bastion of Fallujah, a grim reminder of Saddam Hussein's alleged gassing of the Kurds in 1988.
The fatal weapons led to the deaths of tens of innocent civilians, whose bodies litter sidewalks and streets, they added.
They use chemical weapons out of despair and helplessness in the face of the steadfast and fierce resistance put up by Fallujah people, who drove US troops out of several districts, hoisting proudly Iraqi flags on them. Resistance has also managed to destroy and set fire to a large number of US tanks and vehicles."
Guardian Letters: "We nearly all now see Hue as the beginning of the end of US involvement in Vietnam. I expect to see Falluja as the beginning of the end of the involvement in Iraq of US and UK forces. It will not survive the slaughter we are about to witness."
10:37:15 AM    

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