Thursday, November 18, 2004 |
AsiaTimes: "On the humanitarian front, Fallujah is a tragedy. The city has virtually been reduced to rubble. Remaining residents, the Red Cross confirms, are eating roots and burying the dead in their gardens. There's no medicine in the hospitals to help anybody. The wounded are left to die in the streets - their remains to be consumed by packs of stray dogs. As Iraqresistance.net, a Europe-wide collective, puts it, 'World governments, international organizations, nobody raises a finger to stop the killing.' The global reaction is apathy."
ICH: "'The obliteration of Fallujah continues apace. Article 6(b) of the 1945 Nuremberg Charter defines a Nuremberg War Crime in relevant part as the '. . . wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages. . .' According to this definitive definition, the Bush Jr. administration's destruction of Fallujah constitutes a war crime for which Nazis were tried and executed."
11:08:55 AM
Vision?Nary!: "The US Senate is poised to pass a bill that will force Americans to watch more commercials.
...viewers would not be allowed to use software or devices to skip commercials or promotional announcements."
11:02:45 AM
WashingtonPost: "House Republicans proposed changing their rules last night to allow members indicted by state grand juries to remain in a leadership post, a move that would benefit Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) in case he is charged by a Texas grand jury that has indicted three of his political associates, according to GOP leaders."
ArizonaDailyStar: "House Republicans demonstrated their loyalty to Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Wednesday, changing a party rule that would have cost him his leadership post if he were indicted by a Texas grand jury that has charged three of his associates.
DeLay watched from the back of the room but did not speak as GOP lawmakers struggled in closed session that spanned four hours before ending a requirement that leaders indicted on felony charges relinquish their positions."
The Republican Party is, after all, a party for criminals.
10:57:36 AM
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