Great day in Seattle

Yesterday was another great day. I started the day playing Monopoly with Sam, Lucy's oldest son. Two of Luci's three kids were at Steve and Lucy's place, Sam and Casden. Then I went to Seattle. In Seattle I went to Ducati Seattle and drooled over the Stella Scooters. If I had $4K that I could blow I would have bought another scooter! I ended up meeting another bicyclist there named Pete who has ridden down the coast to San Francisco several times and we talked for about an hour.
Then, I went to Microsoft! There I met Bob Scoble. Bob used to work for me as a student assistant back, as they say, "in the day." I cannot say enough good things about Bob. He is a creative genius the way Mozart or Lance Armstrong is. He has that gift to see and focus on "that thing" we mortals miss. In his talent he can see and clearly focus on the object of his talent. Indeed (I would guess,) he is driven by it. His talent is technology and the creative use of it. He is an Alpha Geek and a Microsoft Longhorn evangelist
Robert showed me around Microsoft, introduced me to several people there and we totally geeked out. We had some great talks with Microsoft folks about Windows, Linux, Macintosh and the state of tech in higher education. Then, we went to the Company Store. All I can say is, "wow!" After that we went to his house and I spent a very enjoyable evening with him, his wife Maryam and their son Patrick. She had prepared a wonderful and well presented meal. That was a real treat! After the meal we talked, drank some good Idaho wine (yes, there is such a thing) and Robert and I played a new (very cool) computer game and I got fragged many times. (This game is still in Beta. It is a great game, but I suck at video games in general.)
Today is Friday the 13th!
6:37:33 AM