Yesterday was a bad day

Yesterday our vet said Shadow has FIP, she said he will die and all of our cats may have it and may also die. We were all deeply upset. We had been frantic trying to find out why this precious kitty seems to be dying and we all greeted this bad news with great sadness. The breeders who sold us Pixel called us (after I sent them an Email detailing our sad news.) They said they doubted the vet's diagnosis and said we should get another opinion. Last night at 10pm the vet called again and said she talked to a specialist and said the cat may have another disease (IBD) that may be curable. She pretty much verified what the breeders said! So, there is hope! The only way to find out is to take the cat to the specialist so she can do a biopsy. The specialist is in Capitola. So we are taking shadow there Monday.
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