Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Crazy Like a Fox

News item: Bush nominates Porter Goss, former CIA case officer and current Florida Republican congressman and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, as CIA Director

Q: What is Goss's middle name?

A: Mishe.

Mishegoss (noun, Yiddish): craziness, folly, tomfoolery, lunacy

3:02:50 PM    

My Big Fat Greek Olympics

I'll never forgive Jimmy Carter, the master of empty symbolism, for ruining the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. He forced American athletes to boycott the 1980 Moscow games to punish the Soviets for their invasion of Afghanistan, and four years later, the Soviets returned the favor, keeping their athletes home during the LA event.

As I sat in the LA Coliseum watching track and field events and being buffeted by incessant "USA! USA!" chanting, I couldn't help thinking how much more interesting it would have been if there were a countervailing "USSR! USSR!" cheering section, along with a corresponding Cold War athletic competition on the track.

The recipient of the most "USA! USA!" cheers at the 2004 Athens Olympics will certainly be swimmer Michael Phelps, who faces the challenge of living up to all the megahype by breaking Mark Spitz’s record of 7 swimming gold medals, won at the 1972 Munich Olympics – an event also remembered for the Black September murder of Israeli athletes.

The radio program "DnA: Design & Architecture" had a featurette yesterday about Speedo's sleek, full-body swimsuits, worn by Phelps and many other Olympic swimmers. The unauthorized Speedo anthem could go like this:

Well, now they often call me Speedo, but my real name is Mr. Earl
Well, now they often call me Speedo, but my real name is Mr. Earl
And I’m just the kind of fellow’s always takin’ other folks’ girls

Some years ago, if memory serves, NPR’s "All Things Considered" did a story on the lead singer of The Cadillacs, the group that recorded this song in the 1950s. He had been discovered working as a janitor in a public school in Portland, Oregon .

It’s an ignominious descent from the pinnacle of fame, but at least he wasn't captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan while fighting with the Taliban.

10:39:47 AM