Friday, August 13, 2004

Hanging & Flying Chads

As Hurricane Charley bears down on Florida's west coast, governor Jeb Bush probably wishes he could divert it to some blue state.

A good choice would be New Jersey, now suffering through a hurricane of its own with the sudden resignation of governor James McGreevey.

11:23:59 AM    

Puccini On-Line

This morning, radio station KCRW ran a commercial (excuse me, an "enhanced underwriter credit," it's public broadcasting) announcing that Giacomo Puccini's unfinished masterpiece, Turandot, will be performed at the Hollywood Bowl this Sunday night.

It's pronounced "Tu-ran-dote," but the announcer said it as if it were a web site:

For us card-carrying members of the liberal elite, it's nice to know that opera has survived the dot-com boom and bust.

KCRW's announcer probably thinks Puccini is some sort of pasta. 

11:18:19 AM