Thursday, August 26, 2004

Haimish Hamish

Hamish Carter of New Zealand is the winner of the men's 2004 Olympic triathlon.

Interviewed on MSNBC after the race, Carter seemed to be an unpretentious and warm individual.  In other words, Hamish is haimish.

haimish (adjective, Yiddish): Warm and comfortable; homey; folksy

5:43:05 PM    

The Mosquito Coast

As Virginia Postrel points out:

L.A. County is full of West Nile Virus cases.

A few key statistics from her source, the L.A. Daily News:

. . . Los Angeles County's 100th case of West Nile virus was confirmed Tuesday . . . .

West Nile virus cases in the county were up 69 percent Tuesday from a week earlier . . . .

Statewide, 277 human cases have been reported, up 46 percent from a week earlier.

Nearly 850 cases and 20 deaths have been reported nationwide this year, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the CDC's West Nile Virus Activity map, California and Arizona are the overwhelming leaders in West Nile cases, far surpassing New York, which remains mired in single digits.  The East Coast may have been the trendsetter in West Nile Virus, but the West Coast now has the bragging rights.

With such tepid performance, Easterners should abandon their quest for West Nile supremacy and try their hand at some other disease, like bubonic plague or leprosy.

Meanwhile, L.A. continues to maintain the lead in seismic activity, wildfires, and celebrities holding political office. New York, of course, is still way out in front when it comes to terrorism and security.  

9:57:51 AM