2003 Denver Mayoral Election
The Pundits are lining up to tell John Hickenlooper and Don Mares what to do to win the runoff election according to the Denver Post. The article analyses the vote on Tuesday and highlights the fact that both candidates need to do well in Northeast Denver, mayor Webb's traditional stronghold. The Post also has a story on the first debate between the two. Mares touts his experience while Hickenlooper claims the voters want change and private sector experience. Another Post article with advice to the runoff candidates.
The Rocky Mountain News analysed the vote on Tuesday and concludes that there is a divide amongst the voters along racial and ethnic lines. From the article, "And both candidates cautioned against making too much of the racial divide among voters. 'I think that is a too-simple way of analyzing Denver,' Mares said, 'because I think it was all of Denver that elected a Latino mayor and an African-American mayor."
How much money did each mayoral vote cost? The Rocky Mountain News has the answer. The Rocky also has a short analysis of voter turnout.
Business vs. Labor is not expected to be a big part of the runoff election according to the Denver Post. Union support is very helpful, both in fundraising and in getting out the vote. Who will the firefighters and police unions support?
Here's an article from the Post about downtown business support of John Hickenlooper. One person interviewed took exception to Mares' claim that Hickenlooper got rich from using taxpayer money. The article says that 40% of small businesses downtown probably got started using loans from the SBA and other sources.
Another article from the Post talks about Hickenlooper picking up the endorsements from current city council members, including Charlie Brown. Said Brown, "We're going to have to put the city's budget on a substantial long-term diet, and John, being a businessman, is a good person to help do that." Here's a story from the Rocky about endorsements.
The losing candidates in the mayoral race are highlighted in this article from the Denver Post. The article says of Sue Casey, "I was talking about leadership from start to finish and I'm proud of having done that,' she said, noting she has no plans to endorse a candidate in the runoff."
Mayor Webb is still silent on his support in the runoff according to a column from the Post. That is unless you're one of the people that thinks Charlie Brown only says what he is told to say by Webb. Here's a short article from the Rocky dealing with voter opinions of the election.
Short story from the AP on Hickenlooper's attaining the runoff on Tuesday.
Here's an editorial from the Denver Post on the mayoral election and one from the Rocky Mountain News.
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