2003 Denver Mayoral Runoff Election
From e-mail from Don Mares' campaign:
"And don't forget to encourage friends, family, and neighbors to participate in our "Dollars for Denver" program that swaps former candidates' yard signs for a Mares sign. For every yard sign that is swapped, the Mares campaign will donate one dollar to the Denver Parks and Recreation fund to benefit local Community Recreation Centers."
Here's a link I missed on DenverGov about a mayoral forum coming up on Wednesday.
Ari Zavaras has endorsed John Hickenlooper for mayor. If his supporters follow en masse that could be enough to win the runoff for Hickenlooper. Don Mares was not surprised and the Post quotes him as saying, "The candidate who was pretty obviously a Republican has now gone with the other Republican." Here's the coverage from the Rocky Mountain News.
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