Coyote Gulch


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  Sunday, May 18, 2003

Dave Winer - Weblogs and Google

There is a debate going on that weblogs, like this one, get ranked too high with respect to other media. It's true that if you do a google search on "2003 Denver Municipal Election" Coyote Gulch will be up there. A few people have written to me that they appreciate my attempt to cover the election with links. No one has asked me to stop.

Below is a link to Dave Winer on the subject:

DaveNet: If you want to be in Google... [Scripting News]
1:23:17 PM     

2003 Denver Municipal Runoff Election - Events for 5/18-5/25

There is a mayoral forum at the City Park Festival of the Arts today. Coyote Gulch will be there, send your questions to,

Mayoral forums and events for the week can be found on Don Mares' and John Hickenlooper's websites. They are not always in sync with each other. There seems to be a couple a day for the next few days.

Channel 8 is doing extensive broadcasts until election day. Here's the link.

For your viewing pleasure the Aaron Harber Show (KBDI Channel 12) is broadcasting a debate between Dennis Gallagher and Ed Thomas today at 2:00 pm.

I find no events listed on either Dennis Gallagher's or Ed Thomas' websites. E-mails from each campaign are silent on community events also, concentrating on get out the vote efforts and trying to recruit workers. As a matter of fact both candidates are doing a terrible job of updating their website information.

The City Council District 1 candidate websites are also lacking in event information. In fact, Timber Dick's site is broken, for me at least. I can't get past the Flash intro. It might work on a Windows box, I have no way of testing.

Similarly, the City Council District 3 candidate websites do not have any current events listed.

In City Council District 5 Marcia Johnson does not have any current events listed but she does have a link that was current through yesterday. Marcus Pachner's event page has not updated since before the May 6th election. They are sending e-mails to supporters but no community events are listed.

The candidates in City Council District 9, Veronica Barela and Judy Montero, are not updating their websites.

In City Council District 10 Caroline Schomp is listing television events from Channel 8 on her home page. Jeanne Robb is sitting on her 48% of the vote. Who wouldn't?

City Council District 11 completes the almost complete Web apathy. There are no events listed for John Hancock and Jon Bowman doesn't even have a website.
8:45:35 AM     

2003 Denver Mayoral Runoff Election

Update: E-mail from the Don Mares campaign announces endorsements by:

Polly Baca, Former State Senator and current Executive Director of LARASA, Estevan Flores, Executive Director of the Latino Research and Policy Center, Dolores Atencio, Small Business Owner, Lucia Guzman, Vice President Denver School Board, Ed Romero, Virginia Castro. The formal announcement is tomorrow at the opening of the Mares' campaign office on West 32nd.

The Denver Post is labeling John Hickenlooper the political insider's candidate in this year's election. From the article, "Self-proclaimed political outsider John Hickenlooper has emerged as the insiders' candidate." This metamorphosis has not gone unnoticed by Don Mares and his staffers. Mares is quoted by the Post as saying, "(Hickenlooper) is so heavily reliant on the guidance and input of Mike Dino and others from the (Webb) administration that bring the old way of thinking with them," Mares said. "If he was a seasoned political servant, he might know how and where to pick people."

Contrasting budget plans from Don Mares and John Hickenlooper are the subject of this article from the Denver Post. From the article, "Although both candidates would glean savings from Denver's workforce, they disagree on the extent to which workers should take the hit for the city's ailing economy."

Don Mares was granted a meeting with Mayor Webb on Friday similar to the one the day before with his opponent according to the Rocky Mountain News. I'm sure that both candidates would still love the Mayor's endorsement. The article quotes Mares as saying, "I really don't want to get into specifics. We had a good meeting on a personal level."

A group that works for middle east peace, Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace, has been trying to arrange a meeting with John Hickenlooper to discuss comments he made about their website according to the Rocky Mountain News. His schedule has not allowed it says the campaign. The group plans a press conference tomorrow and Hickenlooper was drafting a letter on Friday to try to assure them that he did not mean to slight their organization.

Here's another short article on the election from the Denver News Net.

Roy Romer has endorsed John Hickenlooper according to the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "Romer said Hickenlooper has management experience in the private sector, is focused on issues of social justice, and knows how to create jobs."

And to think, just the other day, Coyote Gulch was lamenting the lack of coverage and the paucity of controversy in the election.
7:01:54 AM     

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