2004 Presidential Election
Here's an article about the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination from the Denver Post [January 25, 2004, "Dems put on full-state press"] and their hope to appeal to independents in New Hampshire. From the article, "The sharp focus on independent voters, who are permitted in New Hampshire to vote in either Republican or Democratic primaries, has been increasingly evident in the campaign's final days in the candidates' statements, policy proposals and television advertisements. Some campaign aides estimated that independents could make up as much as 40 to 50 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary on Tuesday, a particularly large figure because, unlike the situation in 2000, there is no significant Republican presidential primary."
Jim Spencer is covering John Kerry's turnabout in New Hampshire in his column in today's Denver Post [January 25, 2004, "Iowa Kerry-over turning tide in New Hampshire"]. Diane Carman offers her views on what Howard Dean needs to do to halt his slide before Tuesday in her column in today's Denver Post [January 25, 2004, "Dean must evolve to win in N.H."].
The one unifying theme amongst Democrats, liberals, and many moderates this year is beating George Bush in November, according to the Denver Post [January 25, 2004, "Issues? Dems just looking for someone to beat Bush"]. The article quotes Dick Bennett, President of the American Reseach Group, as saying, "I've never seen this before. Voters generally pick candidates based on issue preferences, but now the feelings against Bush are so great, it's all about what candidate can beat him."
Mike Littwin comments on John Edwards' appeal to New Hampshire voters in his column from yesterday's Rocky Mountain News [January 24, 2004, "Littwin: Edwards campaign reborn with Iowa finish"].
Dani Newsum strikes out at the current administration (and Govenor Owens) regarding the issues in this year's presidential election.
Meanwhile the Village Voice has declared that Howard Dean is an Internet Rock Star. Here's a whole website dedicated to remixes of Howard Dean speeches.
Ed Cone recounts some lessons from Iowa.
As predicted over at the Daily Kos, Howard Dean seems to be closing the gap between he and John Kerry. Kerry leads Dean 30% to 23%, with Wesley Clark at 13%, John Edwards at 9% and Joe Lieberman at 9%.
Don't miss Josh Marshall's coverage of the New Hampshire primary on TalkingPointsMemo.com. Marshall's trip to New Hampshire was financed by readers of his weblog. Citizen journalism.
Update: John Kerry has a slight lead over Wesley Clark in Arizona accorging to this Arizona Central poll for Arizona.
Update: Taegan Goddard recaps today's polls for New Hampshire.
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