Anyone who thinks blogging is just a fad should look at the map below. Within 2 weeks of publishing just one short article, Marketing Software When You're a Small Company, I have heard back from:
Image Courtesy of, available here.
There is no question that Dave's link to it helped incredibly and this points out the real truth: Blogs are being read world wide even over slow links (one of my best contacts is on a 28.8 link in India).
I'll color code the map later to show the countries but the response from people in BlogLand has been incredible. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and kind words. Based on your response I've dramatically expanded the scope (7 plus articles now planned) but I'm going keep it focused on the same practical, example based approach. A full opml based outline is available from the marketing 101 home page.
NOTE: If you go to the Marketing 101 home page you'll find some of my own rules broken -- a few missing links and such. This was built late last night after auditing my email and seeing the countries involved. I'm consciously breaking my own rules here since I'm only making it available to the wonderful people in BlogLand.
Being in the U.S. sometimes makes you forget how big the whole world really is and that by no means is high tech a U.S. thing -- it's a global phenomenon and small tech companies are cropping up everywhere. These are often even 1 or 2 man shops and this series of articles is really, really aimed at the little guy (I'm a little guy too).