Friday, August 02, 2002

Ahhh....Nothing better than hearing that "pop" when opening a brand new bottle of Grand Marnier. Right before bedtime. Total bliss.
Mom is going to Sweden next week. I think I'll ask her to pick up me up a bottle from Duty Free on her way back. The Duty Free Grand Marniers are twice the size and half the price. Whatta deal.
11:22:33 PM
This is a very big deal - I have not been sick for three months! Prior to that, I'd been sick every three to four weeks for eighteen months. Big kudos go to my new CFS/FMS doctor for finally getting me back on the right track. Right now, I feel pretty much invincible (which, of course, means I'm doomed.).
10:57:46 PM
In the immortal words of Sheryl Crow: I'mmmmmm gonna soak up the Sun.
10:50:18 PM
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