Pretty scary picture huh?!
I have a bobble head doll collection. Each time I visit a new park, I get a bobbin head, or bobbin heads from that park. I always get the "classic" bobbin head doll a la the Red Sox bobble head above. I'll also try for the mascot doll or a favorite player bobble head. I just want everyone to know that I started collecting long before bobbin heads became a fad.
Tonight we had an installation ceremony - the Twin's mascot doll at the far left and two Rockies bobbin heads (not pictured) were officially inducted into the Slat Rat Bobble Head Hall of Fame.
Maybe I should add one of these to my collection: 
Yes, Bobble Head Jesus is finally here! This quality sculpted figurine is a good representation of Jesus as He walked on earth in Israel so many years ago.
8:05:00 PM