Well, we certainly soaked up the sun today. Clem walking, yoga, bike ride, and GOLF (first time this year!). I am totally exhausted - but what a way to go. It has to be one of most phenomenal Alaska August days of all time. It was in the low to mid 80's while we played golf this evening. That's the joy of summertime Alaska - one can play golf in the hot sun at 8:30 PM.
Speaking of golf, here's me taking a hack at the ball. It's actually a pretty good swing. But I'm appalled at how fat I look. I don't think I'm that tubby. At least I hope I'm not...

By the way, as recently as two months ago, I couldn't have possibly imagined doing a day like I did today. I have made such progress on the CFS/FMS front! Yea!
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