Who are these three guys? Why do they look so happy? What's that little string doing between the golf ball and the hole?

Well, the guys are, from left to right, Mike Freeman, Gordon Pospisil, and Jim Reeves. We were a foursome in the GCI Academic Decathalon Golf Tournament.
They look so goofily happy because we had just shot a "string assisted" eagle on the last hole of the tourney.
"String assisted?" "What's that?" Here's the scoop - $40 will buy a one foot length of string. Bits and pieces of the string can be used to make up the distance between the ball and the hole - it would count as if the ball went in the hole. Each time a bit of string is used, it's discarded. So string management is very important. If you're dumb, you could use up your foot of string on just one hole. It's better to use it judiciously to make up those small little distances.
So when we got to the last hole, we had 2 1/2 inches of string left. We were about 4 feet off of the green and about 60 feet from the hole. Gordon stepped up, took a few practice swings and then chipped the ball on to the green and the ball rolled and rolled and rolled. Right up to 2 1/2 inches from the hole Absolutely perfect! Pandemonium ensues!
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