Tuesday, August 06, 2002
Or how about this for a shock:

I have to say that Peter has been going nuts looking up various "dancing" sites.
9:44:53 PM
Of course there's always the Southpark approach to life.
9:43:27 PM
 These guys are old hat but they're still cute
9:25:49 PM
Mom arrived in Stockholm today. She wanted to know if Niek was going to drive over from Holland to meet her at the airport.
9:20:14 PM
Not much Slat Rat blogging tonight - I've got body aches from stem to my somewhat broad stern. ugh.
And I have to pack for my upcoming trip to Salt Lake, Denver, and Keystone. Although, I doubt I'll elicit much sympathy as a result of my groaning - all three places are great destinations!
9:18:18 PM
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