Saturday, August 10, 2002
Tonight, Lucy, Peter and I went to the Rockies-Cubs game at Coors Field. It was a scorcher of an evening: 95 degrees at game time. We melted. The game itself was a bit of blow out - we left in the bottom of the 8th when it was 15 to 1 in favor of the Cubbies. However, Sammy Sosa hit three homers in the game. Very cool! The fans went wild - which was a bit bothersome. There was more cheering for the Cubs than the hometown Rockies. I'm not sure Denver fans know how to be baseball fans. Anyhoo, check out the picture below:
Sammy doing his homer hop after hitting his third dinger. Major thanks to Lucy, who took this shot. I was in the gift shop buying a bobblehead doll for my collection:

8:07:09 PM
I've just finished Crypto by Steven Levy. A great book on cryptography - Levy gets the history right and does a superb job making an unfathomablycomplex subject accessible and extremely entertaining. His story of Whit Diffie and Hellman and the birth of public key cryptography is compelling - even to the non-geek. And the National Security Agency stories are great stuff. A definite four star rating!
7:35:10 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:23:49 PM.
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