Hewlett Packard set what has to be a world record for speedy repair. Lewis and Lewis Fed Ex'd Hewey (my HP zu1175 pavillion laptop) to HP late Tuesday night. Hewey was back here in Anchorage and completely repaired on Friday. Wow!
Hewey got a new disk drive - the old one was bad. I thank the computer gods that Hewey's disk spun up one last time and I was able to back up my Radio environment and all my photos. Whew!
Hewey also got a new fan. It's my theory that the old one got clogged with Jasper (cat) hair. Fortunately, the HP folks were much too polite to comment on the fact that there was probably enough cat hair inside my laptop to make a new cat.
Needless to say, Hewey is much quieter now. The fan makes no noise and the disk drive isn't spinning crazily anymore. The HP folks were also extra nice on another front - they fixed a display abnormality that I couldn't get rid of. A few oddly placed lines in the display - they're all gone now.
And guess what - this was all covered under warranty!
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