The overblown and dare I say tasteless September 11th media frenzy is so over the top. I'd like to just check out for the next few days. Our lowest common denominator culture has taken September 11th and created a emotional monster that needs constant validation - the "toddler down the well" syndrome on a cosmic scale. This constant validation cheapens and commercializes a very real and tragic event.
Ben Silverman, of the NY Post and DotcomScoop says it best:
I stood at the East River and watched WTC 2 fall and I went down to Ground Zero on Sept. 15. I don't need anyone to remind me about anything. And I don't need anyone to tell me how to feel about what happened. I find the media coverage to be excessive, distasteful and evidence of how the media collectively panders, patronizes and punditizes.
From the Onion:

From Tom Tomorrow:
The anniversary's a week away, and already we're getting saturation coverage on cable news. Images of the attack will be replayed so continually over the next week, they might as well just cancel their regular shows and run a constant loop--the fire, the collapse, the gasps and cries, until it all completely loses meaning, like a word you've repeated too many times in short succession.
September 11 wasn't just some goddamned tv show, and it shouldn't be turned into one now. As one interviewee in this article puts it, "We’re aware of what happened. We know it’s the anniversary. What more is there to say?"
7:27:56 PM