Tuesday, October 01, 2002
It's been raining. HARD. For what seems like days and days and days. Poor Phil's house is turning into an ark.
7:46:24 PM
 Whoo Hoo! Visits to the DMV and Dentist all in one day. How much fun can a person have?
7:33:09 PM
So the Ski Boy and I are here on the couch engaging in that most romantic of activities - watching the Baseball Playoffs!!!! Right now it's the Yankees-Angels game. And I just have to comment on the setup man for the Angels - Ben Weber. He has one of the great deliveries of all time. Peter thinks Weber looks like what Devo would like if Devo pitched. I like his glasses.
7:23:37 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:25:32 PM.
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