Monday, October 14, 2002
In honor of my Dad, a devout aethiest with a great sense of humor: Football Jesus. And yes, this is real.
8:28:56 PM
And now for the lighter side of the news (stuff Dad would appreciate):

What is that off to right? Why, it's a Viking Kitten. For sheer entertainment , it's pretty hard to beat this. I may have to get the t-shirt. And you'll never believe where I read about this site - The Wall Street Journal!
8:01:24 PM
A thought regarding losing a parent:
For many of us, our first adult experience with the process of death occurs when one our parents dies. I know this sounds bizarre, but I think their experience of death is perhaps one of their last gifts to us. My Dad's dying has given me an opportunity to observe the process of dying and death. It is still scary like I had imagined. But yet there's something else that I can't quite put my finger on. Perhaps even though death is inevitable there can still be deep love associated with it. That is certainly what I've experienced with Dad's dying. I have also discovered that I have the strength to make it through the process with responsibility, humor (always very important to Dad) and love.
7:52:48 PM
Things are still quite grim on the Dad front. He remains in a deep coma, his brain is swollen, and has actually moved which is really not good.
So we're beginning to move into the end game. Mei-Ling, Steve (my cousin, Dad's nephew) and I reviewed Dad's Living Will this afternoon. Dad's wishes vis-a-vis the Living Will are quite clear: If he is in a coma and cannot be revived or is in a vegetative state (what an awful term), all life support will be removed and nutrition and hydration will be withheld. It's my guess that we'll move to the next step in the next few days.
This is all so difficult and yet surreal. Because I'm still here in Anchorage, I'm removed from the physical immediacy of Dad's situation and it can be so odd. For example, this afternoon I was at work when we reviewed the Living Will. We spent about twenty minutes on the phone. Afterwards, I cried for about ten minutes, pulled myself together and headed off to a meeting. Sheesh.
7:22:20 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:25:39 PM.
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