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  Friday, October 04, 2002

Today is a dark sad day. Niek has shuttered shut his clog (curiosity web log). Peter and I are so bummed. We'll miss Niek in a big way.
9:01:15 PM    comment []

Great interview in The New Scientist with Donald Norman, the author of the "Psychology of Everyday Things," a stunning book on human interface design. I read this book when it was first published in the mid '80's and it became one of my bibles. Ever since, I have been absolutely anal when comes to interface design - bad design drives me batty.

Here's a quote from the interview I particularly enjoyed:

New Scientist: You don't have what I think of as the stereotypical MIT engineer personality.

Donald Norman: Actually, I do fit that profile. I feel hypocritical that I'm writing about the importance of emotions and interactions, when with my family I am poor at these things.

8:50:02 PM    comment []

Yesterday afternoon, just before the end of the work day, I received a call from Steve Kesler - my cousin who is currently staying with my Dad and Mei-Ling. Since Steve and I have never talked on the phone, I figured the news wasn't good. And when the first words out Steve's mouth were, "Your Dad had brain surgery this afternoon," my gut plummeted to floor with a thud.

Fortunately, the news was very good. Evidently Dad went in to the doctor late Wednesday afternoon - symptoms such as falling, forgetfulness, etc. had been accelerating over the past few weeks so Dad decided to have it checked out. The doctor was concerned and ordered up a scan. Turns out Dad had the Mother of all Blood Clots on his brain. So he had brain surgery early yesterday to remove the clot. The surgery went well - the clot was between the brain membrane and the brain itself so it came out pretty easily - although two holes in his head were required to get it all out.

I'm thinking that this brain blood clot explains so much. All his outlandishness can be blamed on a brain clot - the perfect excuse!!!! He'll love it!

8:38:35 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:25:33 PM.

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