Sunday, September 29, 2002

Here comes Hubzilla!
The coolest 4-port Firewire Hub on the planet!
I want one of these! Mom - this would be a great birthday idea.
Hubzilla is stomping through town and he means business. With piercing red eyes and an open mouth that lights up when plugged in to the Firewire bus, Hubzilla is as menacing as he is useful. When he's not destroying your desk* he's helping you with your Firewire connectivity problems.
4:42:07 PM
From Phil's comment below:
Hannah is definitely a man's dog. She like woman visitors okay as long as they rave about her beauty and, ahem, scratch her butt, but she'd definitely be much happier if I was gay :)
Funny that Phil should mention "gay-hood." Up until I moved in with the Ski Boy in February of last year, I had a gay roommate. Clemmie was in heaven - all sorts of cute male visitors who truly appreciated her charms. She reached the pinacle during the Young Gay Men's Association Spring Cocktail party which was held at Chez Steph. Clem had 30 very cute young guys cooing over her, telling her she was gorgeous, scratching her rear and all the while Ricky Martin was blaring out Livin La Vida Loca.
3:04:47 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:25:31 PM.
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