Sunday, August 11, 2002
Peter and I have arrived at Keystone - actually Songya and Mei-ling drove us up from Denver this afternoon on their way back to Grand Junction. The Ski Boy and I are staying at the very scenic Keystone Lodge.
Keystone is quite a bit cooler than Denver - in the 70's and 80's instead of mid 90's. But the elevation is an issue for the wheezy Slat Rat: 9,300 feet. gasp...Hopefully I'll get somewhat acclimated in the next day or two so I can actually do a little easy hiking.
7:21:26 PM
Today Peter and I met up with Songya and Mei-ling (my half sister and step Mom) in Denver for Dim Sum and "grocery shopping". We had a great time. Below are some pictures from our adventures at the Asian Grocery Store:
Peter helping Songya with the seaweed:

Me meeting my first Durian:

Oh yum - Pig Uteruses (Uteri?). Peter doesn't think they're kosher:

Oh Yum again:

Peter, Songya, and Mei-Ling munching down. Songya is eating Pig Head. Yum for the third time.

2:38:37 PM
Phil is on the lookout for a nice single Alaskan Jewish woman in her late twenties to early thirties who can make Matzo Ball soup.Well, about ten years ago, there were several single Jewish women in my circle of friends. But now, ten years later, they're all married, making latkes for someone else, and of course ten years older. Bummer for Phil.
7:59:17 AM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:23:50 PM.
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