The Slat Rat Chronicles
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  Sunday, May 04, 2003

Wine of the Night
The Ski Boy and I had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants: Trattoria dell'Arte. A fabulous Italian restaurant with one of the great antipasto bars of all time.

Anyhoo - tonight's wine: Valpiocella 1995 Quantilla. This is a custom bottling for the Trattoria and man is it good. Smooth, thick, and tarry with just a little sweetness. Unfortunately, I drank my first glass so fast that I had to sit out the rest of the wine. I got all buzzy and dizzy. Total bummer!
6:30:19 PM    comment []

What a perfect New York Sunday afternoon: sun, fun, and baseball at Yankee Stadium. Today's game was a real treat: The A's vs. the Yankees with Roger Clemmens and Barry Zito on the mound. Barry was the better pitcher today - the A's won 2 to 0.

The Mighty Jason at the Bat!
6:23:55 PM    comment []

The reigning American League Cy Young winner, Barry Zito, in his windup.

Barry pitched a great game: 8 innings, 4 hits, and no runs. He is a real treat to watch - he has a great mound presence.

6:21:22 PM    comment []

Our loud, profane, and very funny seatmates.

Absolutely, typical New York Yankee fans!
6:17:15 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:32:03 PM.

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