Saturday, May 10, 2003
 A new bird on my life list - the Limpkin.
This is a very big deal. Limpkins can be tough to come by in the life list department
We picked up this eccentric guy this evening after dinner and after a fair amount of wine. This is the easiest addition ever to my life list. We parked the car in the Longmeadows Bird Sanctuary after dinner (and wine - a middling Pouilly Montrachet and a nice Latour Chardonnay), got out of the car and there was the Limpkin. It doesn't get much easier than that!
4:43:35 PM
This morning Peter and I visited Selby Botanical Gardens. It is a totally awesome place. Incredibly lush tropical flowers, plants, and trees spread over what must be at least five acres. I think Selby gardens was started over 60 years ago. So the planned grounds and trees have reached maturity. A tremendous example of botantical planning and architecture.
I was ready to move in.
12:36:18 PM
I now have a newly discovered respect for butterfly photographers. Butterflies never stay put long enough to get any sort of a shot. Fortunately, this guy was very cooperative.
One also needs a camera with a very fast shutter action - that's probably not the correct term. Basically, when you push the button, the picture gets taken. No delay at all.
12:29:11 PM
A very cool little lizard. They're everywhere at Selby Gardens. And all sorts of different species. I have a tough time with most reptiles. But I do like lizards and turtles. They have such great little attitudes.
12:24:24 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:32:48 PM.
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