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  Saturday, February 07, 2004

Good article in today's Anchorage Daily News on GCI's new fiber - AUWest. AuWest will run between Seward and Warrenton, Oregon. It will complete our fiber ring and provide redundancy for AUEast - our first fiber. Work began this week (today actually) on laying the cable.

Richard, my boss, discusses AUWest's economic rationale 2/3's the way down the article. The current market for new fiber construction is quite depressed, so we were able to get a very good deal - $50 million as opposed to over $100 million a few years ago.

Oh, and Bruce R., also mentioned in the article, is a major buddy of mine.
8:26:28 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:41:03 PM.

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