Monday, February 16, 2004
Saturday night, one of the buildings in the Panoramic View Apartment complex on the east side of Government Hill caught on fire. Ten out of twenty two units were destroyed. Panoramic View is an affordable housing complex, so most of the now-homeless renters did not have renter's insurance. Talk about a devastating loss.
As community council president, I was interviewed by the Daily News and did my best to provide a somewhat cogent quote (printed at the end of this article). I checked out the fire damage this morning. It is nasty - definitely half of a large apartment building. Those folks are in a tough position. But the community is responding well - all sorts of goods and services have been donated.
When I drove over the check out the damage, I felt oddly like an elected official. I mean I am the council president - I should know what's going on. I should actually talk to people - which I did. Somehow, this is a bit of an eye opener for me.
8:17:28 PM
Clemmo is doing better today. Her knee is quite a bit better. More importantly, for the sanity of all of us at the Ski Boy Manse, she's making her way through the morphine induced bad trip.
I thought about her reaction. Most of us, when we get a narcotics shot, have an expectation of altered reality. But not a Bouvier. Poor Clem was really taken for a ride. You know how Pot makes some people paranoid? Well poor Clemmie has been one very paranoid dog for the past 24 hours. We went for a little walk this afternoon - she kept looking back over her shoulder and then would move slowly up to a corner and peer around the edge.
Hopefully she'll completely clear the drugs by tomorrow morning.
8:04:55 PM
© Copyright 2005 Stephanie A. Kesler.
Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:41:08 PM.
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