Saturday, February 14, 2004
The Ski Boy and I are off to a romantic Valentine's Day dinner at Sack's.
We were also going to do a movie. But we're both so slammed by trials and projects, that we spent the day working instead. ugh...
But dinner and a good bottle of wine will definitely help alleviate the overworkedness!
6:41:49 PM
Man. This getting old business is really expensive. I picked out new glasses today - a regular pair and a pair of sunglasses. The total cost was 1300 smackeroos!
I can hear you scolding - "You don't need $700 frames." Well, total frame cost for both pairs was a mere $450. The rest: $850, is completely attributable to lens costs. I am amazingly nearsighted and astigmatic. Those two issues in combination with progressive bifocals make for the equivalent of gold plated lenses.
6:37:53 PM

11:59:02 AM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:41:07 PM.
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