Robin, my Long Island buddy absolutely nails a maddening paradox associated with CFS/FMS: the "How can you be sick? You look great!" reaction. It's not that we want to look crappy, but there's not much that's visual about this syndrome. No icky rashes, no hair loss, no twitches, no limps, no huge weight loss (often the opposite), etc. So, we can feel like total shit, but look like a million bucks.
Actually, Robin's amusing, spot-on, discussion of the "you look mahvalous" issue is a prelude to the real meat of the post - the concept of detoxification in non-traditional medicine. I actually think there's something to this - it makes sense.
However, as with just about everything, fringe groups have taken this concept to its extreme - to the inconvient exclusion of logic - see Robin's remarks regarding her raw foods seminar.
I do wish mainstream medical science would start taking some of these concepts seriously - I'd like to find some sort of logical middle ground.
9:13:45 PM