The Slat Rat Chronicles
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  Friday, February 20, 2004

This cow moose has an awfully big saggy belly. She either needs to do a ton of crunches or she's pregnant!

She's spent most of the day in our yard. And at Noon she entertained - she had a friend over for lunch.

Which is all well and good.

Unless you have a dog who is in tripod mode because of a severely strained, previously blown ACL. And said dog has diarrhea resulting from anti-inflamatories taken to alleviate said sore knee. And said tripod dog with said diarrhea has to make her way down the icy driveway that caused said strained knee in the first place that resulted in said diarrhea.

So,with one moose at the end of the driveway and the other moose off to the side of the driveway, Tripod and I carefully head down the other side of the driveway. Tripod hops along - sniffing here and there for that absolutely perfect doggly duty spot. I follow closely behind - Clem is on about a 6 inch leash.

Fortunately, all participants in our little minuet were quite civil. No one made any fast moves. Clem finally selected an appropriate potty spot and attended to her not-quite-urgent business while I stood and made small talk with our guests.

9:49:44 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:41:09 PM.

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