A few months ago, I commented that it would take only one or two dominos to fall and the Balco steroid controversy could be the biggest sports story in fifty years. Little did I realize that next domino to fall was going to be a huge one - specifically the Bush adminstration deciding to make steroid use a campaign issue.
This is the only Bush Administration initiative that I actually support. Wholeheartedly. At least to this point - John Ashcroft is in charge and it won't take him long to warp the whole thing. However, until he does mess it all up, I want the DOJ to nail the big names.
I hate illegal performance enhancing substances in sports. It artificializes (how about that - I verbed artificial) performance. It's no longer about hard work, it's about who has the best drugs.
Now for someone like Barry Bonds, it takes real talent and hard work to make contact like he does. The guy doesn't strike out. However, what happens to the ball after he makes contact is most likely the result of juice. He was already the greatest player of the nineties without juice. But then...he bulked up - beyond what mere weightlifting can do. And all at once he's Mighty Casey.
What really bugs me about steroids and other performance enhancing drugs is that someone like Barry Bonds could very well break Hank Aarons home run record. And it's very clear by looking at pictures of Hank, that he was not juiced. So, the record gets broken by day in and day out cheating...
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