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Day level permalink April 5, 2002

CNN catches up with  - Waiting until April 4th to report the April fools joke played on Bill Gates, CNN catches up with the rest of the world.   Sorry I can't help myself....  Here is the CNN story, and just to remind you, the MyFreePress link.


1:55:16 PM  Item-level permalink    

I'm inclined to agree with this blurb from WSJ's critique of the Bush speech from yesterday:
For the bombings to stop, Mr. Arafat will have to disband the terror wing of his own Fatah organization that he's spent the past 18 months building up. Syria and Iran will have to stop arming Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist bombing sources. And Egypt and the Saudis will also have to use their leverage on the Palestinians, especially by threatening to cut off their money.  Just to repeat this list shows how preposterous it is.

12:20:10 PM  Item-level permalink    

Gymnast v3.5 [1.4M] W9x/2k/XP FREE
Unearthed by Jim Hunter at Windows Daily 

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11:23:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

No Subscription for Spam Relief. I always thought that responding to spam with a request to stop sending spam will result in more spam.  As universal a rule as never get involved in middle eastern politics.   Well, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission actually did a study on this and discovered it's probably not true but spam experts still say it's not a good idea.  Joanna Glasner reports in Wired News.
8:33:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

An Italian researcher is claiming ground-breaking progress, and has successfully cloned a human, and the mother is now 8 weeks pregnant, according to this article.  Somehow I thought they were going to start with pets?  The Roman medical associations bioethicists denied Dr. Antinori permission to proceed with these experiments last month.  Just a little too late.
7:17:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

Judges Blast Library Filtering. If you're the betting type, the good money's on a library filtering law going the way of 5.25-inch floppies and the Commodore PET.  "Won't someone think about the children?"  By Declan McCullagh. [Wired News]
7:13:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

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