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Day level permalink April 7, 2002

Enron Chairman Ken Lay is being investigated for insider trading.  Where some people might think this is as obvious as a President getting a bit on the side in the oval office.  Others act surprised when they learn the President's best friend is being accused of dumping stock.  It is only more shocking to think he might have done this right after an August 2001 meeting with Enron Vice President Sherron Watkins in which she warned him that off-the-balance sheet partnerships threatened to engulf the energy trading giant in a wave of scandals.  Oh, but it is OK, he was just borrowing money, and paying it back in stock....All the while trying to assure his loyal employees that nothing was wrong. 

 More on the story of the Feds Probe at Reuters by Jeff Franks

10:05:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

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