Last updated: 21/04/2006; 9:23:13 PM.
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Day level permalink April 9, 2002

So many people asking me about weblogs now that I am doing one.  Here is a partial list of some interesting weblogs I looked at today.  Maybe it will give you an idea on what YOU can do with the technology.  Maybe this is just CB radio?  Maybe it is the greatest online invention since the webpage.

Here's a court in West Virginia that has a Radio weblog.

ABA article about blogging

12:57:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

IBM To Unveil Antipiracy Software Wading into the debate over the post-Napster structure of the online music business, Big Blue is set to announce today new software designed to prevent the illegal copying of digital music and other data files. [ ]
11:27:42 AM  Item-level permalink    

Earlier today I posted a story on Time Warner’s plans to charge bandwidth hogs more for high speed internet service. I feel that charging the high end users more (say $60-$70 a month) for higher speeds and greater bandwidth would not be a problem if they also set up a lower price ($19.95?) for the starter speeds and lower bandwidth. Why should my mother who barely uses her cable internet connection pay the same as the geek down the street with the FTP site and Game server?

It appears that agrees. It may be a while, but logic dictates it: Consumers want lower prices, cable companies want to conserve bandwidth, and the new Docsis 1.1 modems allow it.

11:00:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Archdiocese of Boston, already under fire for covering up sexual abuse of children by a Boston-area priest in the 1980s and 1990s, took steps to shield a second cleric facing similar allegations, according to internal church documents made public on Monday.
While the Archdiocese was under the leadership of the late Humberto Medeiros and the current Cardinal, Bernard Law, the Rev. Paul Shanley admitted to superiors that he raped and sodomized children, according to the documents, released under a court order as part of a lawsuit against Shanley. Sickening details here in the Reuters Story
8:11:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

KaZaa lost a major distributor last night when San Francisco's CNet Networks Inc. blocked downloads of KaZaa. The popular Internet file-sharing program was removed for violating the website's software policies by including the controversial stealth peer to peer application.  Check out the "we care about your privacy" portion of their website.

7:56:36 AM  Item-level permalink    

Now that we know that new users of high speed internet are looking for better pricing, the succesful high speed internet service provider is going to need to find a way to charge less for the beginner users and more for the heavy users.  Time Warner is talking about starting to charge users for using more than a monthly limit.  Exactly how it will work has not been announced, but I suspect it is the first step to a multi tier pricing schedule.
Michael Martin of Network World reports.

7:50:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Durham District Catholic School Board voted unanimously last night not to allow a gay Oshawa student to take his boyfriend to a school prom.  Just in case you think they are being unfair, they explained that "We accept ( Marc Hall ), but we cannot condone or allow homosexual behaviour at a school function,"

Now lets all substitute "Jew" or "Black" for the word homosexual in the above announcement and get a glimpse of the catholic church's past. It also might make us understand religious intolerance in general.  Well they made their decision and now we all know where they stand.  [ The ]

7:19:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

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