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Day level permalink April 17, 2002

Another Big MS Browser Hole Found. Don't click that back button if you're using Internet Explorer on a PC running Windows: You're opening yourself up to a potential malicious hack. By Michelle Delio. [Wired News]
8:22:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

"The record industry's legal victory over Napster last year has neither stopped the trading of free music online nor halted a slide in music sales."  I have always said the only reason for any slide in sales is the increase in the price.  There is a very basic economic concept; And the price elasticity just snapped.  [NYTIMES]

When CDs first came out they were very expensive, and this was mostly due to the high cost of manufacturing them.  Until the CD became popular it was a high priced luxury item.   

However in late 1989, once everyone and his dog had a CD player and manufacturing started to happen in the states, the cost of making a CD dropped dramatically.  Well  the cost to consumers should have droppped as well.  In fact CD prices have continued to rise to an average price of $17.00!   A CD, with its plastic jewel box, printed booklet and tray card now costs a major label about 80 cents each to make (or less) and a small independent label between $1.50 and $2.50. All of this clearly means that music CD's should now cost us less than their original prices over a decade ago, not more.

This high price is what is causing the drop in sales.  Make music CDs list at 5 to 7 dollars and watch the music pirates start to drop off.

8:22:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

Sanders: Microsoft testimony not a favor. AMD CEO Jerry Sanders counters charges that he testified on behalf of Microsoft in the antitrust trial to get the software giant to support his company's upcoming chip. [CNET]
8:04:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

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