Last updated: 21/04/2006; 9:28:04 PM.
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Day level permalink April 22, 2002

Yahoo settles yodeler suit. The leading portal says it has settled its copyright infringement lawsuit with singer Wylie Gustafson whose voice is heard in the signature Yahoo yodel.  He deserves to be compensated, it is his voice they are using.  Why this came to an actual lawsuit is beyond me, unless it is all about FREE PUBLICITY!  <nah>


9:28:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

69 per cent say government corrupt
Almost 70 per cent of Canadians believe their federal and provincial political systems are corrupt, suggests a recent opinion poll. 

How do you fix this?   An fully independant "Office of Ethics"!  Right now two bodies are supposed to slow government corruption: The Free Press, and the Opposition Parties.  Well the press doesn't have the stomach for a long drawn out investigation.  The costs and possiblity of failure are too high.  The opposition members of parliment are too busy trying to figure out how to get in a position to allow them to get to the pork.

Frankly it seems so wierd that anyone would spend millions to get elected to a job that pays $100,000. 

12:58:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

Gates says states' remedy "impossible". Microsoft's chairman takes the stand in the antitrust trial to argue the difficulty of complying with the remedy, warning that it would be a major setback to Windows development.   [CNET]
12:19:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

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