Last updated: 21/04/2006; 9:27:40 PM.
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Day level permalink April 19, 2002

TMP buys URL for $800K.  TMP Worldwide, the owner of, has bought the domain name and trademark of  [The Register]
9:33:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

Diluted defense at Microsoft trial - Seattle Post Intelligencer

Scott Borduin, vice president of Autodesk -- maker of the popular architectural design program AutoCAD -- told a federal judge that Microsoft provides plenty of technical support and training to software developers.  However in an email Borduin harshly criticized Microsoft for dropping support for the Java programming language in its latest operating system, Windows XP. Java is used in Autodesk products.  Can someone remind him that SUN is suing Microsoft? 

   Microsoft and US refine settlement  - BBC
States Counter Microsoft Witness  - LA Times
Spurned software executive defends Microsoft  - Nando Times
Autodesk CTO: Microsoft broke Windows  - ZDNET

7:02:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

Can you get a patent on a swing?

You wouldn't think so since one of the requirements is "originality."  But this is America and our legal system is an "open system."  Feel free to add any old thing to it if you want.  Nobody's really watching anyway...

[Ernie the Attorney]
6:50:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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