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Day level permalink April 27, 2002

Supreme Court Ruling Does Not Favor hacker Satellite viewers in Canada

Today is a landmark day in Satellite testing history. The ruling was handed down in The Supreme Court of Canada today, outlawing grey market satellite.

The ruling is hard to interpret, which is why no one knows for sure what is legal and what is illegal. A good law buddy of ours interpreted the ruling and summed it up as the following: GAME OVER. It is now illegal to buy a subscription to Dave or test Dave's signal in Canada. It is illegal to decode (test) encrypted satellite signals in Canada.

7:04:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Why Sharing shouldn’t be piracy.

Every week we hear about this sharing software being sued, or that company crying about how sharing files on the Internet is putting them out of business.

I ask you the reader to think back to the very first intellectual property that was shared: Books.  Look around you and see how many libraries are in your city, and then ask yourself, “Are these bad for publishers or good for publishers?”  I mean are people, when a good book comes out, borrowing the book from the library, and taking it home to copy it?  Why not?  More

6:11:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

Spyware vs. anti-spyware. The author of Ad-Aware, a program that removes sneaky software, explains what happened when his own program was zapped by the enemy. []
3:44:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

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