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Day level permalink April 30, 2002

It appears Viagra may do more than put smiles on the faces of couples grappling with erectile dysfunction problems. Doctors at the University of Alberta say the drug holds promise as a treatment for severe pulmonary arterial hypertension, a rare, debilitating disease with a very poor prognosis and little in the way of effective and affordable therapies. has the story here.
2:00:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

Some Internet users have recently received an e-mail message from a dead friend. Others have been subscribed to obscure mailing lists. Some have lost their Internet access after being accused of spamming, and still others have received e-mailed pornography from a priest.

They're actually experiencing some of the stranger side effects of the Klez computer virus.  Wired has more on this story.

12:10:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hundreds of Internet radio stations plan to go silent Wednesday to protest proposed record-label royalty payments they say would endanger their industry. The story here on USA Today

11:07:31 AM  Item-level permalink    


Boy, do I know what he is going through.

10:46:11 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Real Life Victims of a Scam/Spam

A popular scam known as the "Nigerian Letter Scam" has made the rounds via snail mail, faxes and now e-mail, and has been around for a very long time in one form or another. That hasn't hindered its success, with Newsbytes telling the tale of one entrepreneur who recently lost $750,000 to it. Spam has brought new life to age-old scams that have always been following the same underlying theme: attempt to convince the targets that they've stumbled into an unbelievable opportunity.

Lets face it, if this didn't work, people would stop doing it.  It would be so easy to blame the victim (Greed, wealth, and stupidity ARE a bad combination), but we need to remember that the people who do this are professional con artists.

8:40:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

Canadian Users Crave Speed

Half of all web users now on broadband

Nearly half of all Canadian web users now connect to the internet via broadband, double the number of users since 2000. Out of that total, forty two percent connect to the internet via DSL. According to a new study, the reasons why Canada is leading the U.S. in deployment are: "lower access prices in Canada, a less fragmented industry relative to the U.S.A., [Canada's] regulatory framework, better and more reliable access, and extremely positive responses from consumers to marketing campaigns." [ DSLReports ]
8:35:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

A picture named pleasureTrophy.jpgLady golfer wins pleasure trophy Sometimes a picture paints a thousand words [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]  I hate passing this on.  I actually feel sorry for her.  I am sure the trophy looks just fine from a different angle....<cough, sputter>
7:08:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

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