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Day level permalink April 11, 2002

Will E-Commerce Ever Beat the 1 Percent Problem?

The Internet accounts for just 1 percent of total U.S. retail sales, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is not expected to grow beyond 5 percent of the total in the foreseeable future. As sales channels continue to intermingle, however, the Internet will influence more offline sales.
Full Story from  .

11:31:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft, I.B.M. and VeriSign to Cooperate on Web Security. Microsoft, I.B.M. and VeriSign plan to announce a new technical approach that they hope will ensure greater security and thus stimulate commercial development of Web services. By Steve Lohr. [New York Times: Technology]
11:09:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

Internet Auction Fraud Is Top Consumer Complaint - FBI

Internet auction fraud was the top consumer complaint in 2001, according to figures released Tuesday by the FBI.

Nearly 43 percent of all cases of Internet fraud reported last year resulted from online auctions gone bad, said the Internet Fraud Complaint Center, a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. [ Newsbytes ]
7:14:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

Tip line to nab Net perverts

Manitoba will be the headquarters for a national tip line designed to nab Internet perverts, says Justice Minister Gord Mackintosh.
"In many ways Canada has fallen behind technology and other parts of the world when it comes to protecting children online and guarding against the threat of child pornography," Mackintosh said yesterday.  [ The Winnipeg Sun  ]

The Winnipeg Free Press on the same subject: Internet dangers focus of meeting , but you need a subscrition to read it.

7:08:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

Connectivity Kings: Oh, Canada. With 60 percent of its households connected to the Internet, Canada is well ahead of the United States. But Canadians lag well behind their southern neighbors in terms of spending their cash. Not that we don't prefer to buy locally, but when you can't buy in canadian dollars, you still buy online, even with the exchange rate.  Charles Mandel reports from Ottawa. [Wired News]
6:59:21 AM  Item-level permalink    

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