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Day level permalink April 23, 2002

Pope says bishops' decisions 'wrong'

No kidding?  Pope John Paul II has acknowledged mistakes in the handling of the U.S. priest sexual abuse scandal plaguing the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope does not seem to have a problem with laying the blame with the clerks and bishops that seemed "to make decisions which subsequent events showed to be wrong" .

Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has a different take on what the problem is.  He seems to feel the blame falls on "gay priests and a perceived proliferation of gay men in seminaries."   What an idiot!  If someone admits he is a having sexual relations with young boys, fire him and turn him over to the police.  (Naked, covered in tar and feathers perhaps).  He is not GAY he is a child molester!  


3:30:51 PM  Item-level permalink    

Budget hits smokers' wallets
Light a cigarette, hire an electrician or turn on a light in North Dakota and you'll help Manitoba Finance Minister Greg Selinger keep his $7-billion budget in the black this year.  The NDP government is taking alot of criticism for using Hydro profits to balance the budget.  Well, the Alberta provincial government has been doing this for years.  Electricity is the new fossil fuel.  [ ]

7:15:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

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